Friday, October 12, 2012

Yana and Family Visit with Grandpa and Grandma

Yana and her family were in Casper and had the chance to visit with Grandpa and Grandma.  Here is are some fun pictures that they took.  Thank you Yana for sharing these!!  Anyone else who has some fun pictures or stories, please let us know and we'll share them!

The ones in the lawn chairs are when they were checking out the road construction on their street and Grandpa was playing catch with the girls. 
The one of grandma with the girls was while Damon and Grandpa we playing horse shoes- grandma was singing to the girls :)
I am pretty sure the ones of Grandpa need no explanation. :)
I just thought these were some fun pics of them that showed them at their best :)
Love ya,


  1. Glad to- I thought these were just fun pictures of them and wanted to share with everyone :)
